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 Focused solely on you and clearing to past/present blocks or limitations



If you’re ready to go deep and take your personal development to the next level, then the time is now.

Experience a behind the scenes look at the hidden dynamics within the family constellations model.

  • Move from being stuck to fluidity

  • Discover key hidden dynamics holding you back

  • Resolve lingering emotional pain

  • Overcome limiting fears and frustrations

This workshop is designed to help you develop, grow and flow  authentically in your life from the inside out.

The Workshop

The Family Constellations workshop is focused solely on you and clearing to past/present blocks or limitations.


It is based on the inspirational work of Bert Hellinger, whose profound approach acknowledges, respects and gently redirects the deeply embedded forces and dynamics in the family system. All members of the family, including adoptees and those who are absent through death or separation, are energetically present in the family structure and affect other members. Similarly, the suppressed emotions of past family members are also present and may be carried by others. Unresolved issues that have been deeply buried in the unconscious are revealed and healed in this simple, yet astonishingly powerful process. You'll be connecting deeper with your body, its intelligence and the collective field that we are connected with. 


A REPRESENTATIVE will embody the energy of a family member, place, person, animal or a concept of something like a dream, feeling, etc. In this position people often notice a resonance in their way of being, adopt body language or gestures of the person they're representing, similarities in the relationship dynamic they find themselves in or/and realise that the constellation they are included in has similar traumas as their greater family. It can be a deep somatic healing experience participating in this way.

Being a WITNESS is an important part as it can give you a new perspective on a dynamic in your family system, this new perspective may be enough for you to shift and allow other people to find healthier alignment as to where they belong. Witnessing someone else's process may bring healing to your own family, ancestors and future generations, whilst supporting the other people in your groups healing journeys as they transition into new ways of being.

Whether, you are the person bringing in your healing process or joining as a representative or/and witness, everything seems to fall into greater alignment as we allow the field to reveal itself. You often receive insights, visions and shifts in your vibration in any of the positions that you participate in.

This worksop is for those who want to:

  • Struggle less and have more flow in your life

  • Feel more balanced and at peace

  • Feel a greater sense of belonging

  • Open your heart to receive more love

  • Feel more ranges of feelings

  • Live a healthier and more joyful life

  • Attract more money

  • Have more clarity, courage and focus

  • Open to your life's purpose

  • Experience a deeper connection within

  • Have healthier relationships

  • Attract a romantic partner

  • Heal deep traumas and wounds from anytime in your life including childhood, family, ancestral and transgenerational

  • Heal addictions

If you have any questions please see below or if would like to book. I look forward to welcoming you.

Ready to go commit?


Success Stories

At the end of the session I felt relief, like I could finally let go.  So thank you for creating that space where we could all experience that.


Contact me to find your
way to a happier life

00353 86 192 88 62

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